Technology Training Materials

This repo contains Training and Source Code Example for Java Technology Related study Materials, i will keep update these. It contains sample source codes, study docs from different sources.


Below are the details this repo contains, i keep update here any new things added.

Web Introduction

Web Basics
Explains basic web Terminology, HTTP, Different Request Type, Content Type,

J2EE Materials

J2EE Introduction
Cover Multitiered Applications, Components, Container, Packaging, J2EE Services
Servlet & API
Covers Servlet, Container, States, Operations, Sevlet API & Interfaces, Life Cycle of Servlet
Servlet hands-on
Covers Servlet Simpe HandsOn using HttpServlet, Compile & Deploying Serlvet, Explained web.xml
J2EE HandsOn
You can find All the source code will here


MySQL Database Creation
Cover how to create database, schema, specifications
Character Set & Collate
Covers usage, issues, How Character set and Collaction in mysql

Issues & Other Useful

Issues & Resolution
Here we log issues we are faced and theis resolution, check this & update if any issues.
Useful Tips & Commands
Here documented what are comments used mostly useful